Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Oh My...

I don't even know what to say about all of this! LOL  I mean, both on phones, no shirts...who are their parents??  If I had to guess, Mac is playing his beloved "Anger Birds" and Drew is playing "Choo-Choos." 

If You Like To Talk To Tomatoes...

I love that a local Springfield radio station and bookstore sponsor a free VeggieTales movie periodically (usually when a new video is released.)  I keep my eyes and ears open for them and was thrilled to take the boys to see "MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle."  We had not been to one in over a year so this was the first time either boys could actually remember going to a theater.  Mac was super excited and couldn't believe how huge the screen was :)  And VeggieTales movies are the perfect amount of time to keep both boys happy and occupied.  It actually was a really cute movie that Sam and I even enjoyed. 

Waiting for the show to start

This is Drew's face that we see so often that totally cracks us up.  It's an "I'm ignoring you," "I'm pouting," or "leave me alone" face.  He turns it on and off and will even make it on command.  Silly boy!

You know I had to at least try for a picture of the two of them in the front of the theater. 

I did say "try!"

After a movie about MacLarry and the Barberbarians, these two went for a much-needed haircut.
I don't always love having to wait for a haircut in Springfield, but I do love that the boys enjoy it...how could they not?? Trains, tvs, a slide while waiting!

Mac's First Trip to the Dentist

Since Mac is nearing four, we've known for some time that he was due for a trip to the dentist.  I put it off as long as I could because I thought he would be totally terrified and never want to go back.  I had to go in for a cleaning recently, and my dental office suggested that I bring Mac in for a "happy visit" where they just show him the equipment and take a little peek in his mouth.  Well, happy it was!  I was shocked!!  He loved every little thing about it.  And didn't even hesitate to let the hygeniest look inside and count his teeth.  He was so proud because he guessed before we went how many teeth he had, and his guess was right...twenty pearly whites :) 
Superman was mighty proud to receive a Spiderman sticker.  And very excited to get a new Star Wars light saber toothbrush before he left.

The hygeniest was wonderful and made Mac feel very comfortable.
Checking out all of the equipment.  Ready for a real visit next time!

Batman and Robin Photo Shoot


First Day of School

Mac was super excited for his first day of 3 year preschool. 
No problem getting this guy up and ready!  He will go to school on Monday and Tuesday...he'd probably love to go all week but that's all I'm parting with him for now!

He was so proud of his car bookbag that Ms. Jamie put his name on :)

Ready to go!

I am working as school nurse one day a week at the school where Mac's preschool is located.  I love being able to peek in his classroom's window and take a quick visit down to the cafeteria.  Win-win situation for all of us!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

2 Peas in a Pod

I can't think of anything better than watching my boys become best friends. They equally love and adore one another and never want to be alone. They make each other laugh and cry and, though different in nearly every way, share an incredibly strong bond and friendship. Oh how they make my heart happy!! We are truly blessed!

I L-O-V-E these boys!!!
Doesn't everyone watch movies and eat popcorn in a superhero costume??

Taneyville Preschool Open House

This is the face of one very excited little boy who is ready for preschool to begin. Mac was so excited to see Ms. Lisa and Ms. Rebecca and to visit his classroom. He will go to school two days a week this year, and I'm looking forward to watching him grow and progress over the year with  the help of his fabulous teachers! 
Watching Ms. Lisa hang up the "rainbow fish" he colored. 
We are thrilled that Mac will have several church friends as classmates this year. And yes, that's big-in Drew hanging with the "big" kids :-)
Mac was so proud that his name was on the bulletin board. 
Drew wanted his picture taken also. He wants to do anything that his best friend does :-)

Tool Man Taylor