Tuesday, August 27, 2013

If You Like To Talk To Tomatoes...

I love that a local Springfield radio station and bookstore sponsor a free VeggieTales movie periodically (usually when a new video is released.)  I keep my eyes and ears open for them and was thrilled to take the boys to see "MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle."  We had not been to one in over a year so this was the first time either boys could actually remember going to a theater.  Mac was super excited and couldn't believe how huge the screen was :)  And VeggieTales movies are the perfect amount of time to keep both boys happy and occupied.  It actually was a really cute movie that Sam and I even enjoyed. 

Waiting for the show to start

This is Drew's face that we see so often that totally cracks us up.  It's an "I'm ignoring you," "I'm pouting," or "leave me alone" face.  He turns it on and off and will even make it on command.  Silly boy!

You know I had to at least try for a picture of the two of them in the front of the theater. 

I did say "try!"

After a movie about MacLarry and the Barberbarians, these two went for a much-needed haircut.
I don't always love having to wait for a haircut in Springfield, but I do love that the boys enjoy it...how could they not?? Trains, tvs, a slide while waiting!

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