Hooray for Sam!!! He has a "new" to us truck! I am beyond thrilled for him. He has been driving my 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee for several years (we clunked his vehicle back in 2009 with the Cash for Clunkers program). And the Jeep was a great vehicle, but it had seen its better day. In the middle of the bitter Missouri winter temps last year the heater went out, it leaked, made crazy noises, often overheated, and the list went on and on. Sam kept a myriad of tools and fluids in the Jeep in an attempt to be as prepared as possible for whatever else could go wrong. I never let him drive the kids around in it either! He definitely took one for the team...he never once complained about it (not even when driving in below freezing temps with snow coming down and no heat!) and has always made sure that I have a good, safe vehicle to drive.
But the day had finally come for us to let the Jeep go and find Sam a good, reliable vehicle. He has always wanted a truck and after hours spent looking on car lots and online, he landed the perfect truck and the perfect deal! We are all excited and proud...and we can all ride in this one!
Wow...your parents got their money's worth from that old Jeep! I bet you could still see the outline of your DG crest sticker on it! ha! Go, Sam!